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Living our best lives.

Southbank, Fishing, Walking, BBQ’s, Camping, Shopping – We are all around SEQ helping our customers with positive behaviour supports to have fun and achieve their personal goals and aspirations. Below are their stories.

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“I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia many years ago and suffered from a lifetime of alcohol abuse and neglect.”

Wendy was involved in a significant car accident in her youth that lead to trauma and anxiety to manage her Schizophrenia. Wendy moved into a supported accommodation setting in September 2018. ‘I did not realize at the time that it would turn out to be one of the best things that had happened to me and my recovery’.

‘I was approved for the NDIS in December 2018 when I started working with Supported Care. I was a very shy and reserved person who did not trust anybody or speak with people. I was also known as the lady with the very messy room. Supported Care have assisted me with life skills and cleaning my room. I love animals and am now completing an animal care course through Happy Paws Happy Hearts. My support worker Jamie-Lee signed me up for the course and supports me every week with the online learning. I am now working with my support worker to move closer to my family’. 

Supported Care have helped me in the community. They have helped me to complete courses that will help me get a job in the future.
— Wendy Jordan




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‘Since I have been on the NDIS I no longer present at ED daily when I have self-harmed. I have always felt anxious and emotional and I have a long history of feeling overwhelmed and unable to deal with my emotions’.

Toni Halloran, a Team Leader at Supported Care, explained that Toby has a mild intellectual disability and struggles to comprehend the consequences of his self-harming. Toby had a long wait for his NDIS approval, so we started working with him using positive behaviour supports and to assist him accessing detox treatment.

‘My support workers have made me comfortable to go fishing and play football which I love. I know all the good fishing spots in Brisbane and I’m now cast netting’. Toni explained that since receiving support his presentations to ED have reduced and he has not presented with self-harming admissions for over three months.

Supported Care gave me an opportunity to participate in community activities that I would not have done on my own. They have been very caring and helpful, and they all want the best for me and my mental health.


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Toni Halloran, Team Leader, has explained that Karen was shy and slow to engage with her NDIS services.

Karen would isolate herself in her room and was too afraid to come out and join any activities. We encouraged her to join our bingo group and since then she has built the confidence to engage with not only other group activities but also join community events such as our BBQ’s at Hamilton Reach and Christmas Lights at Aspley.

‘My support worker Sharon gets me out to the park so I can relax and talk to my support worker. Sharon helps me feel calm and makes me laugh’. Supported Care are working towards Karen’s goal of moving into the community and she is currently looking at places with her support worker. Supported Care will continue to provide Karen’s Domestic and Social supports in her new community house.

I can’t wait to have my own flat and with Sharon’s support in the community I feel confident for the next stage of my life. Thank you, Sharon and the Team, for everything.


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“In the 12 months I have been on the NDIS my main aim is to work on my health and fitness’

‘I am very independent but wanted help to do more community sport. Leroy my support worker comes to the PCYC gym and swimming with me at the Chermside Community Pool. The best thing I have done with Supported Care was a camping trip in May 2018 at Kindilan Adventure Camp in Redlands. I loved sitting around the fire at nights and went bushwalking for the first time, which I have continued.’

‘I am lucky that my support worker can play the guitar with me and I always have fun with Leroy. I am looking at volunteer work at the moment in a factory or anything that I can fix.’ Service Manager Justin Burmeister has explained that Supported Care is currently linked with community organizations to facilitate a volunteer placement with Peter to build his skills. Peter is such an active customer and we look forward to assisting him to get back to some form of employment.


I have fun with my Support Worker Leroy especially when we play soccer.
— Peter Rawlings




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Team Leader Shannon Spiers has discussed that it was a challenge to engage with Royce.

 ‘In the early days of our support with Royce he was very agitated, stand offish and did not engage much at all. Now after a year of supporting him, Royce has opened up tremendously. He goes to lookouts, bushwalks and many other outdoor sites and activities with us. Royce always looks forward to his supports.

He is also extremely helpful with some of our projects like recycling, each week he collects and cleans the cans and bottles from around the house to be exchanged for funds that go towards his choice of projects and gardening equipment. We hope to continue these supports and relationships with Royce for many years to come’.

Supported Care have helped me access the community, going for groceries and appointments. They have been very helpful.


They match me with a support worker whose skills and strengths best support me. I have never felt as supported as I have since being with Supported Care.
I’ve got further with my goals in the last six months with Supported Care than I have in the last six years.
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